A Love Affair with Celery Juice

we’re chatting today about my everlasting love affair with c e l e r y juice! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

my children and I started drinking CJ when i was about 6 months pregnant with my son and we hardly go a day without it!

when consumed properly, the benefits of this powerful, medicinal elixir are quite ubiquitous:

🌱 aids in detoxification

🌱 aids in digestion

🌱 antioxidant-rich

🌱 anti-viral

🌱 anti-pathogenic

🌱 anti-inflammatory

🌱 energy-boosting

🌱 immune-boosting

🌱 improves brain fog

🌱 improves skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis)

🌱 support the CNS (anxiety, depression, etc)

🌱 + so much more!

we consume our juice as a part of the Medical Medium’s #morningcleanse protocol (adjusted accordingly for the kiddos!). i’d suggest following @medicalmedium if you are interested in learning more!

note: this is not medical advice. always consult with your healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

have you tried celery juice yet?! let me know in the comments below!


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